The core strategy of this program lies in decreasing the dependency on external food supplies by educating & encouraging the local production, consumption and marketing sales for local produce among the families. We have a ministry of Health Nutritionist that undertakes health nutrition outreach services to the families enrolled by the foundation for support where she shares with the knowledge and expertise on proper nutritional way of life & advises them on which type of vegetables to grow for their nutritional needs.

Seed of Love Foundation provides the seeds and seedlings to the families under this program and also offers educational training and outreach to the families in regards to how to cultivate these vegetable gardens.​

Through this nutritional program, Seed of Love foundation promotes the cultivation of African Leafy Vegetables (ALVs) as an important source of micronutrients and income  for the families. They are in their hundreds in Kenya. The most common varieties that are cultivated in Kenya include African Nightshade (managu), amaranthus (terere), spider plant (saget), Kales (Sukuma Wiki)and slender leaf (mitoo) among other popular
traditional vegetables.

Objectives of the Project 

  • To provide high nutrient vegetables to the rural families
  • Increase indegeneous vegetable farming among the rural communities
  • Make use of locally available resources to increase food production & sales among communities
  • Help sickly & not sickly rural families access nutrient-rich vegetables to boost their immune system.